ごあいさつ -Nice to meet you!
Thank you for visiting our website. This temple belongs to the school of Zyoudo-syu Sizan Zenrinji whose head temple is Eikando Zenrinji at Kyoto. Our Honzon (principal image of Buddha) is Amithaba. Gokurakuji is blessed with serene landscape and alluring seasonal flowers. The natural fresh air can soothe your inner spirit and heighten your energy. A visitor can share this energy with others who have not experienced such wonder.
1.極楽寺の歴史 -History-
This temple was originally built in the Imaizumi village, Atsumi county, Gifu prefecture in 1584 by the Lord of Inaba-yama Castle; Nikaido Yukiie. When Oda Nobunaga and his grandson, Hidenobu erected statues of Buddha for protection of the Gifu castle, the Inaba Eight Temples (now Five Temples) which belonged to the school of Zyoudo-syu Sinzan were relocated to the front of Inaba shrine. As one of the Inaba Eight Temples, this temple had moved to the current place.
2.お寺の役割 -Our Mission-
During the Edo period, everyone were obliged to be followers of their family temples under the Terauke system. Temples played the role of administrative agency by making Shumon Ninbetsu Cho which is the equivalent of today’s family register. Simultaneously, they managed Terakoya (temple school) and taught literacy along with arithmetic to ordinary people. Terakoya contributed significantly to the increase of the literacy rate in Japan and had achieved a milestone of more than 70 % in the late Edo Period. Such a high literacy rate is considered to provide a basis for the modernization after the Meiji Restoration. However, contemporary Buddhism in Japan is often dubbed as “funeral Buddhism,” and as shown by this phrase, temples are alienated from local life. It is important for temples to enrich and enlighten people’s lives by maintaining good relationship with the locals and visitors of the temples.
3.住職からのメッセージ -Message-
One of the Buddhist scriptures, “Bussetsu Bumo Onjoukyou (Surta of Filial Piety)” states that there are ten types of kindnesses from the mother and father to the child. This statement is considered to be a life philosophy.
The ten types of kindnesses are
1) the kindness of providing protection and care while the child is in the womb
2) the kindness of bearing pain during the birth
3) the kindness of forgetting all the pain once the child has been born,
4) the kindness of breastfeeding, nourishing and raising the child,
5) the kindness of moving the child to a dry place and lying in the wet herself
6) the kindness of washing away the unclean
7) the kindness of eating the bitter herself and saving the sweet for the child
8) the kindness of deep care and devotion
9) the kindness of always thinking of the child when the child is far away
10) the kindness of ultimate pity and sympathy.
Your parents look after you while you are in the mother’s womb, infancy, childhood and adulthood. Even after death, they still wish to protect you from heaven. We must be grateful of their actions and generosity. Practicing filial piety and hold memorial services for them does not suffice for their kindnesses.
We should strive for virtue by “Fuse (alms).” When you hear “Fuse,” you may think of donating money to monks. This is known as “Zaise,” one of the many kinds of “Fuse”. In addition to “Zaise,” there are “House,” “Muise” and “Muzai no Shichise.” Among them, the easiest one to practice in daily life is “Muzai no Shichise.” It consists of seven deeds that guide our daily lives.
These deeds are
1) dealing with people with gentle eyes
2) dealing with people with a calm expression on your face
3) using attentive words
4) rendering a service by your labor,
5) being compassionate
6) giving your seat to others
7) welcoming others to your home.
These simple deeds can help you strive for virtue.